For adding the full events calendar to your Google Calendar, follow these steps below:
For Browser
Go to Events tab on the left.
Find the event(s) you wish to add.
Click the bottom left 3 vertical dots.
Select Add to calendar from the drop down box.
Select Sync to google Calendar.
Click Continue.
You’ll be asked to sync only your RSVPs or to sync all events. Select Sync all events and then select Google Calendar on the list below.
You will be taken to your google calendar. A pop up will come up asking to Add Calendar. If you are on the correct google account that you want to use, then select Add.
If you wish to add to another google account, select Cancel. Switch to the correct account and you will be prompted automatically to add the calendar.
The calendar will be added to the calendar list on the left side of the screen. The new Spiritverse calendar will initially show up as: webcal:// however it will change to Spiritverse after it fully loads. So give it a few moments for its name to change.
Congrats! The calendar is now synced to your Google Calendar.
Make sure you select the box so that it is showing up on your calendar.
For Android devices
Follow the same steps as for Browser (see above). It will default to your Google Calendar app on your Android device.
For Apple Devices
If you would like to view the events on your Google Calendar from your Apple device, you’ll need to go through the steps of setting up sync with Google Calendar from your browser. The steps for how to add from your browser are above.
For adding the full events calendar to your Apple Calendar (iCalendar), follow these steps below:
For Imac
Click the bottom left 3 vertical dots.
Select Add to calendar from the drop down box.
Select Sync to Apple Calendar.
Click Continue.
You’ll be asked to sync only your RSVPs or to sync all events. Select sync all events then select the top option, Apple Calendar, on the list below.
Copy the link it gives you.
On your Desktop go to your Apple Calendar.
Go to file then click New Calendar subscription.
Paste the link into the text box.
Click Subscribe.
You may alter the name here and choose how often the calendar will refresh, daily or weekly. We recommend you select daily. You may also choose to Ignore Alerts here as well.
Click Ok and congrats! The calendar is now synced to your iCalendar.
For iPhone/iPad
For Apple devices, only the Apple Calendar may be added from the Spirit Mysteries App:
Go to Events tab on the top left, by tapping on the three horizontal lines.
Find the event(s).
Select Add to Calendar.
Select Sync to Calendar.
Click Continue.
You’ll be asked to sync only your RSVPs or to sync all events. Select either of the options that is best for you then select the second option, Apple Calendar, on the list below.
Make sure you go in and double check once synced to make sure the entire calendar is uploaded for you. If an event is missing, you may go to the event itself within Spiritverse and manually add it to your calendar using the same process already described for adding all calendars. There will be an option to choose to add the event one time or the entire series.
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