In Spiritverse, we aim to hold a space of true Love, Truth, and Authenticity.
If you have any issues with a member or a post that they make for any reason, you may click the three dots at the top right corner of the post and select more. You'll be able to choose to either report the post, which will notify the Hosts and Admins on the server, or block the person so you will not see any posts, messages, or communication from them.
To help us moderate our space, we have a team of members called the Luminaries. If you need further assistance, contact any of the Luminaries through a Direct Message and calmly let them know your question or the member/behavior that you are having an issue with. You can refer them to the chat or space in which conflict may have occurred. If it’s within a private chat message, you may need to screenshot the message and send a picture of the conflict. Our Luminaries will then take the appropriate action.
If the situation needs dire attention right away, please go to the Members option on the left sidebar menu. Select the Host option at the middle top of the list. When the Hosts come up, look for any online Hosts and let them know what the issue is, where the conflict occurred, and any supporting images relevant to the conflict. Please refrain from sharing in the member chats as it can stir up energy and may exacerbate an issue. The best thing to do is reach out to a team member or Luminary and wait for their assistance in working towards a resolution.
Please be aware that you may block any member at any time if need be by clicking the three dots next to their profile and selecting "Block".
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