If you are having trouble logging in, please ensure a couple of things:
You are using the correct URL for the Mighty Network you are trying to log in to: www.spiritverse.app/
- You are NOT trying to log in to Kajabi, the old platform (Spirit Mysteries). Your old login information will not transfer automatically to the Mighty Network platform (Spiritverse).
You are using the email address associated with your account when you first signed up for Spiritverse.
You may have signed up using a Social Sign In (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Apple). Please try those options to sign in to your account. If you would like to switch to signing in with your email, you will need to reset your password.
Reset Password
If you forgot your password for your Mighty Network, use the "Forgot password" link on the Sign In page.
Once you enter your email address, click “Send Email” and we will send you an email to reset your password.
You will also be emailed a Magic Link which will automatically sign you into your Mighty Networks account.
The password reset email you receive is valid for only one hour, but you can send yourself as many passwords reset emails as you need.
If your account has been disabled, there are a couple of scenarios that may have happened.
A network Host or Moderator has banned your account.
Your account was flagged for spam by sending repeated messages.
If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, feel free to send us a note and we can take a look.
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